Our Story
Incorporated in 2022 following a year of supporting high street business operations after the pandemic: Marbles Effective was founded by Nickesha Grant, fondly known as Nicci. She set out to unite corporate and community collaboration having worked with Environmental Social Governance investment management and corporate finance organisations.
Drawing from her creative endeavours, ten years in the corporate sector, namely within operations and project management; with numerous years working in the community now featured in her main venture, Marbles Effective works with clients who are ready to incorporate an impact agenda into their daily business and projects. A direct outcome is a merging of profit with purpose through to operation of a business that not only achieves financial success but also makes a positive social impact.
Our Team
Dina Koumatse
Social Media Coordinator
Olivia Davison
Business intelligence Officer
Nickesha Grant
Founder & CEO
At Marbles Effective, our mission goes beyond the standard business goals of profit and growth. We are dedicated to proliferating the impact economy.
We envisage a world where impact economy is not just a subsection, but the mainstream way of doing business. A world where every transaction contributes to solving social and environmental problems, rather than exacerbating them. A world where businesses are measured not just by their financial success, but also by their contribution to the improvements of people places and planet.
We take 360° approach to ensure our impact agenda feeds into all the work that we do.
Through our corporate and public sector project management services, we work with clients that integrate an impact mission into their business as usual or in the projects that we work on directly.
Our business development services work with entrepreneurs and early founders to engage in conversations around impact with view to incorporating an agenda at business initiation.
We are a re women-lead initiative that seeks to make an impact in the employability arena. We train our staff as change makers according to their interests; developing their skill sets across our ecosystem.
You are here now
Everyone is coming from somewhere with a range of skills, goals and ideals. We encourage you to be.
You can do it
“I don’t know how” is a landing point.
From that point find out how, practice, do, show someone else how to
(my bit + your bit >sum of all parts)
I can learn on my own but together we grow
Think rigorously
Research. Plan. Execute. Check. Communicate
Global mindset
Be curious
Our brains pay attention to both repetition and anomalies. Ask questions. Get to know your environment even if you think you already know it well.
Optimism vs ambiguity
Just start, then reflect
It doesn’t have to be perfect for your start. Spontaneity is a useful tool.
Take it easy on yourself
Have fun
Enjoy your life, those around you and the activities you are engaged in. You are more likely to make a difference for others when you first make a difference for yourself.
Why Marbles?
We are always asked
“Why not diamonds?”
“Surely diamonds are more prestigious, classy, expensive and better to be associated with, or is it because you have lost your marbles hahaha hahaha”
You can imagine that we get this a lot!
In fact, we believe that we have all lost our marbles because we have all contributed to an economic system that favours the few and leaves the many wanting. We want contribute to changing this as a reality.
We are regrouping our marbles, now produce them and want to help you to make your own.
Let’s face it, the main stakeholders in the making of a diamond are some very powerful geological forces. We cant really contend with that and we are not trying to.
A marble on the other hand, is man made and requires reliable human intervention to achieve its outcome.
Materials have to be sourced
Equipment is required
Knowledge transfer of “how to” is vital
Techniques must be applied
Intended designs must be structured
Safety and quality measures have to be engaged
There has to be an opportunity for lessons learnt.
At Marbles Effective we value the stages that go into a process intended for successful outcomes. We want to channel this energy into how we work and more importantly how we achieve success.
We are diligent in
understanding the goal
planning the objectives
delivering the output
reflecting on our actions
reviewing information
communicating as we go
This is a tried and tested overview of how we work. We utilise a process that takes a cyclical 360° approach that encourages dynamism, allowing us to adapt to emerging changes while putting the plan into effect..
How We Work
Combined with the symbolic processes involved in achieving a beautiful, shiny, colourful and well-designed marble, our project methodology is based on the Axelos Managing Successful Programmes framework.
This best-practice approach to program management ensures that we have a clear roadmap, from planning and executing to closing and evaluating our projects.
This methodology offers a set of principles and processes that help us align project outputs with strategic objectives. We break down the project lifecycle into stages that we call degrees of completion that account for full end to end delivery or in the case of Marbles, a 360° completion.
Working collaboratively is a key feature of our operation and so we look closely at the skillset of both our organisations.
Marbles Effective + Your Organisation = Our new Collective
To start functioning as a our New Collective, we follow a process to quality assure our joint endeavour.
The stages include
on track sessions
We manage workload and track progress through an online platform providing full visibility as deliverables are achieved.
It is important that incorporate simple strategies to ensure that optimal performance is attainable. Within team Marbles Effective we train, collaborate and communicate regularly. As a standard mode of operation where demands, constraints and choices have the power to influence end results, we continually ask ourselves and each other he following questions
How am I impacted?
How is the business impacted?
How are our clients impacted?